Branchenbuch Bonn

AIG Medical GmbH  

Straße / Nr.: Am Fronhof 2
PLZ / Ort: 53177 BONN
Stadtteil: Bad Godesberg
Telefon: 0228/9029778
Fax: 0228/9106375


AIG Medical GmbH - distributor of medical instruments and arthroscopic techniques - AERATEC Medical Technology - AIG Medical GmbH is specialized in arthroscopic translation of open surgery to minimal invasive solutions for shoulder knee and ankle surgeries

AIG Medical GmbH - distributor of medical instruments and arthroscopic techniques - We are specialized in arthroscopic translation of open surgery to minimal invasive solutions for shoulder knee and ankle surgeries

Stichwörter, Firmentätigkeit

Giant Nadel, Giant Needle, Chop Nadel, Chop Needle, Punch Nadel, Punch Needle, AERATEC Medical Technology, arthroskopische ankerlose footprint Rotatorenmanschetten-Naht, arthroscopic ankerless footprint rotator cuff repair, Gelenkchirurgie, joint surgery, Arthroskopie, arthroskopische Chirurgie, Schulterchirurgie, Prothesen, Protheses, Shoulder surgery, rotator cuff repair, Rotatorenmanschetten Naht, shoulderworkshop, schulterworkshop, giant neelde, punsh needle, punsch nadel, total vario shoulder prothesis, total vario schulter prothese